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Suggested Fertilizer Application Guide
The following is a formulation designed by the author and used by successful orchard growers in the country. This can be modified according to natural fertility of the soil and crop planted. It is also advised to start on low dosage because overdose will result in stunted growth or mortality.
1-year-old (2-3 feet)
60 grams (6 tablespoons) of 16-20-0, urea mixture and trace element
Mix 3 parts of 16-20-0 and 1 part urea. Apply after one month from date of planting and repeat application after 2-3 months
2-year-old (4-5 feet)
150 grams of 16-20-0, urea mixture and trace element
Mix 3 part of 16-20-0 and 1 part urea. Apply at the start of rainy season. Repeat after 2-3 months
3-year-old or more
300 grams of 14-14-14, urea mixture and trace element
Mix 3 part of 14-14-14 and 1 part urea. Apply at the start of rainy season and repeat procedure after 2-3 months
Bearing tree
1 to 5 kilos of 14-14-14 (depending on the size of the tree)
Apply at the start of rainy season and after 3 months
Flowering Post Blossom
1/2 kilo of 17-0-17 every 10 kilos estimated fruit
Dosage shall depend on the estimated yield or production of the tree
Two Months Before Ripening
17-0-17 (1 part), 0-0-60 (1 part)
Mix thoroughly 17-0-17 and 0-0-60 and apply 1 kilo for every 10-kilo fruit. Apply more on less fertile soil or 1.5 kilo for every 10 kilos of fruit.
     Add 1-2 kilo micro-elements (biozone, boracol and micromate) for every bag of fertilizer once a year.
     Fertilizer should be directly placed at the feeding (root) zone of the plastics. For new planting, it is six inches away from the base of the rootstock. Make 4-6 holes with 2-4 inches depth around the tree and place the fertilizer in equal amounts in each hole and cover with soil to avoid fertilizer wastages.

     For big tree, make 12-30 holes within the canopy or 3 meters or more away from the base but not outside the canopy.

     Organic fertilizer like commercial and manure should be applied also to offset the side effect of chemical fertilizer.
Other Fertilization Data
Planting Time
A. Organic Fertilizer
   - 3 kilos of commercial organic fertilizer  or  5 to 10 gallons of carabao manure
B. Chemical Fertilizer
   - 300 grams or 30 tablespoon of 18-46-0  or  200 grams or 20 tablespoon of 16-20-0.
After Planting  (Growth and Development) Juvenile Period
A. Clay Soil:         75% 16-20-0, 25% Urea  and  0.2% Trace Elements
B. Sandy Soil:     75% 14-14-14, 25% 21-0-0  and  0.2% Trace Elements
Fruiting Age (after 2-4 years)
99.8% 14-14-14  and  0.2% Trace Elements
Flowering and Fruit Development up to Maturity
Flowering Time   50% 17-0-17 and 50% 0-0-60

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